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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Plowing through

Things are going really well with my CBI class! So why has it been so long since I've updated? Illness. This has been THE sickest winter we've ever had. It's been unbelievable. A couple of months ago we all had the flu (well, Ian got away with an ear infection, but PG, Zollie and I were wiped out). Then a couple of weeks after that, Ian and Zollie had runny noses and a cough. Last weekend we ALL got a stomach virus. It started Thursday night with Ian and Zollie waking up at about 1am puking all over the bed. They both continued to throw up all day Friday. Saturday at about 3 or 4am I woke up sick and spent about 12 hours nausious and throwing up. By Sunday morning PG had it too. He said it was like watching a train wreck...he knew it was coming but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

We had thought it was over this week. I went back to teaching on Wednesday and PG went back to work that day as well. The kids were back to eating normally, everyone seemed fine. Then last night PG said he didn't feel well. I thought he felt hot so he took his temperature...102.6!!! He has been taking Tylenol every 6-8 hours and it's still only getting his fever down to 101. Unbelievable! *sigh*

In other news, Ian seems to be hitting a growth spurt. He's been asking to eat every hour or so. I'm going to give him another week or so of this and then find a really accurate scale so I can weigh him to see if it's time to turn his car seat forward facing. I think it's definately time to put him in Zollie's seat (since it goes rearfacing up to 35 lbs and Ian's seat only goes to 33's an older model). He sure is growing up. I think he's going to eat us out of the house!

As far as the doula class, I've finished about 3 lessons from the communication module. I've hit a big assignment and need to sit and work on it. I'll probably wait till the kids are in bed tonight so I'll have some uninterupted time. I had hoped to work on it today quite a bit, but PG getting sick again ruined that plan. PG's parents were hoping to get the boys and keep them for the day, but they don't want to risk them being carriers of whatever PG has so we'll just have to reschedule. I did, however, get to have my first prenatal appointment with S. yesterday and I think it went really well. We discussed her first birth and her birth plan for this time as well as some relaxation techniques and streaches she can do. She has a good list of questions to discuss with her OB and to ask on her hospital tour and I think I'm pretty comfortable with her birth plans, so - even though the boys were pretty wild the whole time I was there - I think it went great!

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