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Thursday, January 8, 2009

We're off and running! Or at least, walking quickly...

I officially started homeschooling preschool with Ian this week! I was nervous about getting him excited about school - Ian rarely does things (without a significant battle) unless he *wants* to do it, so for the past couple of weeks, PG and I have really been talking it up. "Oh Ian!" says daddy, "I hear you get to start school with mommy next week!" and so on and so forth. It must have worked, at least enough to pique his curiosity.

We're using the Weaver Interlock (their Preschool book) for our spine. It includes Bible lessons, stories with comprehension questions, intro to math (shapes, counting, etc) letter recognition and writing readiness, art projects, nature projects...all sorts of things. It's set up to go 3 days a week, so since my Mondays are booked with Great Worth and teaching at Roseleaf, and Fridays are always iffy in case we are out of town, I've decided to do school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I also found a GREAT preschool worksheet book at Sam's Club for about $7.50, so that is providing coloring sheets and tracing letters and shapes for us.

For Christmas we got a new bookshelf for the school area. It has 3 shelves up top and a cabinet down below with 2 shelves in it. I have our school books and puzzles on the shelves and all of the art supplies in the cabinet. Zollie and Ian quickly figgured out that the FUN stuff is in the cabinet, so I need to get some sort of lock for it. Alas! My children are soooo resourceful!

So far we've been doing about half an hour first thing in the morning (I can put Zollie in the high chair with some breakfast and read our Bible lesson and story to Ian while he eats his breakfast, and then maybe get in a coloring sheet before Zollie decides he needs to GET DOWN RIGHT NOW) and another 30 min sometime in the afternoon when and if I can get Zollie down for a little nap. I also considder watching things like Sesame Street, Behind the Lions, and Super Why! to be school-related. *nod* My goal is to hit the library at least once every 2 weeks as well. This week we picked up some books that have the colors and animals in English and Spanish.

Prayer requests: 2 big ones this week...First off, PG has been really stressed out lately. His mom has had brain surgery twice now, his dad had an overnight hospital stay for chest pains, we've had all the lead issues with Zollie and getting the house lead free, he's started his fellowship so there are new schedules and coworkers, and our finances are super tight right now. Please pray for peace for him as his anxiety level is really high right now. Secondly, please pray for a relative of mine. She is young and unmarried and due to give birth to a daughter any day now. Please pray for wisdom in making decisions related to her birth and the care of the baby. We have some serious concerns about what her living conditions will be like as well as how involved the baby's father will be.

Praises: God always provides! Praise God for family who is there for you when you need them! Praise God that my mother in law seems to be doing well. Praise God that Ian has been excited about doing school the past couple of days.

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