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Sunday, August 16, 2009

July 19, 2009


Is it just me, or am I already showing???

DH says I've had this pooch since Zollie was born, but comparing it to the 5wk pic I look bigger to me. Anywho, we made it through the whole beach trip without MIL asking if I was pregnant! Woot! So I guess if I *am* showing, it's not enough to set off her preg-dar. Still feeling pretty good, still eating plenty. Haven't thrown up yet, though Zollie has had a couple of diapers that PG had to change because I was gagging myself silly.
Looks like I might have to change my mw appt...PG is on call that Saturday I'm pretty sure. HUGE bummer for me...I really wanted to go see her! And it's not a real appt that I could just do myself, it's supposed to be our interview so it is VITALLY important for PG to be there with me. This might put off telling parents for another month, though if I really am showing now I don't think we can hide it for aother month.
Ian keeps saying he wants God to put a baby gurl in my belly. We haven't really told him yet that there IS a baby in there, I just keep saying "I would like that, too" He's so cute. He's going to be a great big brother again.

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